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Myths and Facts About Dietary Supplements

 Myths and Facts About Dietary Supplements

Have you ever heard a claim about dietary supplements that seems too good to be true or borderline outlandish? Exaggeration and misinformation are common around the topic of dietary supplements because these products aren’t approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for medical use, safety, or effectiveness. 

This isn’t to say that dietary supplements can’t improve your health and wellness. In fact, they can play a role in improving or maintaining your overall health. That said, they can also cause side effects or negative interactions with medications. Furthermore, some may not have any noticeable impact. 

Separating the myths from the facts about dietary supplements can help you avoid falling for scams or experiencing outright harm from a less-regulated product. At Salem Wellness Clinic in Salem, Oregon, Laika Rodriguez, ND, takes a unique approach to treatment that includes a blend of holistic therapies and naturopathic care

Dr. Rodriguez makes informed health and wellness recommendations, including dietary supplements, botanical medicines, and homeopathy. She can help you choose beneficial supplements and take them properly to maximize their health and wellness benefits. 

In this article, we’ll debunk common myths about dietary supplements and highlight the facts. Here’s what you should know: 

Common myths about dietary supplements

Myths about dietary supplements can lead to harm for the people who use them. Here are a few myths and misconceptions you may have heard: 

The FDA has no involvement in the production of dietary supplements 

This myth might deter you from using supplements in any capacity. The FDA doesn’t approve dietary supplements for effectiveness or safety, nor does it approve their labeling. 

However, they regulate dietary supplements after they enter the market. They enforce laws and regulations to ensure products meet safety standards and are well-manufactured. 

If any dietary supplement is determined to be unsafe, the FDA can step in to remove it from the market or ensure the manufacturer complies with regulations. 

The more, the better

You might assume the most effective way to take a supplement is to take a lot of it. However, this is an inaccurate and sometimes dangerous assumption. Reflected in many areas of life, too much of a good thing is possible. 

Large doses of certain dietary supplements can have harmful effects. For example, too much vitamin C can prevent your body from absorbing other important nutrients like copper and cause unpleasant digestive side effects

To avoid such complications, always consult Dr. Rodriguez on dosages and which dietary supplements to take. 

“Natural” means safe

Many people are drawn to products labeled “natural” because they assume they’re safer than anything synthetic. However, just because something comes from a natural source doesn’t mean it won’t cause any negative effects or interactions. 

Natural compounds within supplements can have medicinal properties but may be present in high concentrations. That doesn’t mean a dietary supplement will be effective for its intended purpose or safe for everyone. 

Supplements are cure-alls

A dietary supplement that promises to cure a disease or extend your life sounds too good to be true. That’s because it is. You might’ve heard some of the following claims:

These are examples of common claims about dietary supplements not supported by research. While current research might indicate some potential benefits of supplements containing these components, far-fetched or definitive assertions are typically exaggerated.  

Using supplements to your advantage

Dr. Rodriguez can recommend supplements within a holistic care plan to improve your health and wellness. She can review their purported benefits and inform you of any possible side effects. She might recommend dietary supplements or botanical medicines to help with:

Some supplements interact with medications or interfere with lab test results. Dr. Rodriguez can provide personalized recommendations to help you avoid such interactions. 

Get in touch

Are you considering dietary supplements to support your health and wellness? Call Salem Wellness Clinic or book online for naturopathic care today.

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